Alle Broadcasts
FADL's Experiences and Visions with AI: An Interview with Lars Smidt from FADL
How can artificial intelligence change the future of healthcare and medical education?
In this exclusive broadcast, Fellowmind invites you to an exciting interview with Lars Smidt from FADL’s Forlag (Publishing House), where we delve into the organization’s experiences and future visions with AI technology.
Together with Fellowmind, FADL’s Forlag has developed MediChat, an innovative AI platform that allows users to interact with the content in medical textbooks and handbooks, providing evidence-based answers with direct references. The first edition of this service is targeted at specialties such as pediatrics, psychiatry, obstetrics, and gynecology, offering support for clinical learning with clear, reference-based information.
Lars Smidt will share insights into why FADL’s Forlag chose to work with AI, their practical experiences, challenges, and expectations for the future.
Key Points of the Conversation:
FADL’s Forlag’s decision to invest in and focus on AI
Learning points and experiences from development and implementation
Challenges encountered and future ambitions
The potential of AI in healthcare education and clinical practice
Join and gain insight into how FADL’s Forlag uses AI to create value in a rapidly evolving world.
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