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How to succeed with Copilot for Microsoft 365: Insights from Novo Nordisk

27 visninger
5. april 2024

Novo Nordisk is leading the way in implementing Copilot for Microsoft 365 and is, together with Open, busy harvesting the first learnings on what works and why. Tune in as we discuss the vision Novo Nordisk created for implementing Copilot for Microsoft 365 and join us for a dive into the important roles that both technical integration and adoption play in the success of rolling out Copilot for Microsoft 365.

Secure your digital front-row seat to gain valuable insights and learn from real-world experiences in leveraging Copilot for Microsoft 365 to drive organizational success.

- An introduction to Copilot Microsoft 365 and its significance in increasingly digital workplace environments.

- A dive into Novo Nordisk's vision for introducing Copilot for Microsoft 365 throughout the organization.

- Approaches to technical implementation, focusing on security, data structure, and organizational anchoring.

- Insights on Open’s and Novo Nordisk’s strategy for user adoption and organizational buy-in and what has worked well.

- Preliminary results and gains achieved through the ongoing implementation process.

- Insights on how employees have received the new tool.

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