Data & AI
Data & AI
Fabric Frenzy #12
Unleash the boundless potential of Microsoft Fabric: Your monthly source for cutting-edge news...
Data & AI
Fabric Frenzy #11 - Live fra Fabric Community...
Unleash the boundless potential of Microsoft Fabric: Your monthly source for cutting-edge news...
Data & AI
Fabric Frenzy #10
Unleash the boundless potential of Microsoft Fabric: Your monthly source for cutting-edge news...
Data & AI
Fabric Frenzy #9
Unleash the boundless potential of Microsoft Fabric: Your monthly source for cutting-edge news...
Data & AI
Finansiel planlægning og analyse i Power BI
Nu kan du bruge Power BI til at indsamle og skrive data tilbage til din datamodel, så kan du se...
Data & AI
Fabric insights from Microsoft Build
Stay in the know and get exclusive insights from Microsoft Build 2024! The main event of the year...
Data & AI
Fabric Frenzy #8
There is a wealth of new opportunities for data analysis and insight in Microsoft Fabric, and new...
Data & AI
Fabric Frenzy #7
There is a wealth of new opportunities for data analysis and insight in Microsoft Fabric, and new...
Data & AI
Fabric Frenzy #6
There is a wealth of new opportunities for data analysis and insight in Microsoft Fabric, and new...
Data & AI
Fabric Frenzy #5
There is a wealth of new opportunities for data analysis and insight in Microsoft Fabric, and new...
Data & AI
Fabric Frenzy #4
There is a wealth of new opportunities for data analysis and insight in Microsoft Fabric, and new...
Data & AI
Fabric Frenzy #3
There is a wealth of new opportunities for data analysis and insight in Microsoft Fabric, and new...
Kommende broadcasts
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AI i et filosofisk perspektiv #2
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Microsoft 365 Update
*Få overblikket over de vigtigste nyheder i Microsoft 365 hver måned.* Microsoft 365 udvikler...
Fabric Frenzy
*Unleash the boundless potential of Microsoft Fabric: Your monthly source for cutting-edge news...
Always Azure
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Microsoft Security Update
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Dynamics 365 Business Central
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